Tuesday, July 21, 2015

How to Include Your Pet In Your Wedding

How to Include Your Pet In Your Wedding


It's wedding season!  Are you making plans to include all of your loved ones in your celebration?  Your day wouldn't be complete without your furry friend! 

No matter what role your pet will play in your wedding, here are a few ideas to keep in mind to make sure your pet is safe and happy during your festivities.

Weddings Tips:

  • Keep Your Pets Personality In Mind - Will your pet be comfortable around the guests at your wedding? Even an outgoing and friendly pet can feel overwhelmed in a crowd of guests.  Make sure that your pet has plenty of time to feel comfortable around your guests.  Consider having someone carry them or letting your pet ride in a wagon.
  • Confirm with Your Venue - Not all venues are pet-friendly.  Make sure that your venue is aware that you will be bringing your pet to the ceremony.  If pets aren't allowed, consider having them included in your portraits afterwards or in your engagement photos instead!
  • Don't Leave Your Pet Unattended - Have a friend, family member, or handler watch over your pet at all times during the wedding.
  • Take Precautions Against Potential Hazards - You don't know what chemicals or plants will be around the wedding grounds.  Make sure that your pet stays away from toxic plants, chocolate, alcohol, and meat with bones during the reception.

Check out this article and this article for more tips on how to safely include your furry friends in your wedding festivities.  You can also contact our office with any questions you have about how to care for your pets health.

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